Sunday, April 29, 2007

I am Sick

This illness affects your mind and its called depression (have been having bouts of this off and on these days).
Symptoms include this feeling that the whole world (including your partner) has interesting things to do on a weekend except you and the feeling that life seems so boring with one week no different from the other.

Ok, Its not like I’ve not been doing anything over the weekend .. Let me see, what did i do yesterday and today?

· Met my college friend and her hubby
· I saw a movie Beija Fry (literally means ‘Brain fry’) and was just that, awesome!
· Attended dance classes
· Slept and ate like a pig

Thats not bad, what more could one ask for on a weekend!

Sigh, you see there is no treatment for this deadly have to watch silently while it attacks your mind and then chews your brain.Going to get something to eat now,do I recall reading chocolates and fried food if one is depressed .. and on a diet

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well.. it sounds jus like my typical weekend! feels like I'm reading my own blog!!