Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Big confusion...

I think the best example of a homonym is the word ‘Love’. How else would you explain the diverse feelings a single word can instigate?

Lets take some famous examples of men and women in love.

We have the famous Devdas and Paro story where the childhood sweethearts’ love end in tragedy with Paro marrying an older man and Devdas taking to the bottle.

You can almost feel Shah Jahan’s love for his wife Mumtaz when you stand in front of the breathtaking Taj Mahal. Imagine the intensity of emotion a man has to possess to build something like that for his wife after her death (lucky woman!)

The famous story of Lorena and John Wyne Bobbitt where the wife takes revenge for adultery will send a shiver down most men’s spines! (Though I personally think that it should be made an official punishment for crimes like rape and pedophilia)

The latest one to add to this list is the navy man Bharat Takur killing his girlfriend Koushambi Layek when she refused to marry him!

Now, Answer this:
If ‘Love’ means different to different people how can you be sure you are in love?

If you can love someone but move on and love another person then does that mean you dint love the first one?

If you can share your parent’s love with your siblings why is it so difficult to share your spouse’s? … Ok, guess I went a bit overboard here! :)


M.A.N.D.A.R. said...

Hmmmmm.... overboard...... sounds like the right word

Muthu said...

Hi Preeti,

My response to your Q1,

I think we can be sure that we are in love with someone if we fit in to our own definition of love.

My response to your Q2,

I feel that it is possible to love many at the same time. its all depends up how your partner is able to getalong with you.

My response to your Q3,

Its a good question indeed. I think we calim ownership when it comes to the love with our spouse, which is not the case with parents.

Unknown said...

Probably its how we have been brought up, what we have been thought and what we percieve this thing called 'love' to be. Because, if it really had ONE definition then the word would not have been misused. Or its we who are to be blamed as we didnt find another word that signifies the affection between partners and called it love again.

On second thoughts, probably "love" was always destined to be misused!

Unknown said...

Well... no comments... wife sitting right next to me!! I wish she thinks like you :)